The Kleeman Report

Friday, December 30, 2016

2016: The Year That's Not That Bad

Yeah, you read the name of this blog right, 2016, was NOT THAT BAD!  Sure we have an idiot president elect, but half of you thought we did from 2001-2009 and we seem to be alright (barring any weird Russian friendship we seem to be developing).  And half the people reading this think we have an idiot president now (I think you're wrong, but you won't admit it because he's not on your team or that he's....not the same as you...he was also born in this country so enough with that crap).

2016 will also be known as the year of celebrity deaths...but that will also be 2017, and 2018, and 2019, and so on, and so on, and so on.  Not to sound like a jerk, but there are so many celebrities, especially older ones, that it's bound to start coming in droves.

Another thing that bugged me about celeb deaths this year, all the posts!  I'll admit, I posted about Prince, because I LEGIT LISTENED TO PRINCE!  I noticed people posting who probably could name 1999 and When Doves Cry and that's it.  I saw people posting on David Bowie who I don't think even heard any of his songs.  Hell, I love music and I can only name you four Bowie songs (and shockingly, I like the Wallflowers cover more of Heroes more than his...judge, I don't care).

So many people were posting about these deaths to get attention and internet points, it was insane.  I mean, I liked Muhammad Ali as much as anyone but come on, if you're my age you didn't need to post anything, you never once saw him box.  You might have liked his appearance in Wrestlemania I, maybe?!

Image result for muhammad ali wrestlemania

Enough on that tangent, let's get in to the meat and potatoes of this article.  2016...not being that bad.  A lot of good has happened in 2016 that you may have missed.  I'm going to post my personal list of why 2016 wasn't so bad.  Enjoy.

- Are you reading this?  Well you're alive!  Hooray!  That means you can still do more than complain about how bad 2016 was on the internet.  You can go outside and complain about 2016.  Or go on an adventure.  Life isn't that bad, so stop pretending that it is.  You're freaking ALIVE!

- Have you been to Burger King?  Because if you haven't it's the golden age of Burger King food.
One in particular stands out:

Image result for bk cheetos sticks

What a time to be alive!  Your generation may have had the moon landing, but we got Mac N Cheetos, so yeah...we win.  Add in their great work with breakfast and it's a surprise I'm not sponsored by Burger King (pleeeease, pay me a free Whopper Jr. a month guys!).

- On a personal note, even more personal than Mac N Cheetos, my wife and I bought a house this year.  And I'm sure you've done something just as cool.  Celebrate your own accomplishments this year, be positive.  We got a house I never thought I'd live in.  It's awesome, it's new, it's great.

- I grew a beard this year.  It was incredible.  It was so good, I can only count on two fingers how many people hated it.  I also have a crazy dog, but I like my crazy dog.  So here is a picture of both, conveniently in my awesome house I love:

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting

- Let's keep this going.  My wife and I are having a kid.  This is the most important thing I've ever accomplished.  Even bigger than when I beat Super Mario RPG:

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, meme and text

I cannot wait to become a father, considering I never had one.  I can't wait to actually be there for my kid and everything she does.  It's a great year to create a child.

- Also the majority of my friends have had kids this year, which is phenomenal.  I can count about 12 new kids names that I already can't remember (I'm bad with names)  And that happened in "the worst year ever".  No, it happened in a year like every single one...other than 2001, that year sucked.

- More personal notes, I got to see my cousin Baltimore, seeing Philadelphia, Washington D.C. and the first state in the union, Deleware!  Got to go to Wichita with my wife for a fun wedding.  Was in one of my best friends weddings in Sioux Falls.  Got to go on my first cruise in the Gulf of Mexico and see Cozumel and Progreso.  Minneapolis to see basically every store in the Mall of America.  I also received a 49'ers luchador mask...finally (the only good thing 49'ers related to happen to me in 2016)!

Image may contain: indoor

- I moved back to my hometown of Vermillion which isn't all that bad.  It's quiet.  I get to see my friends and some family more consistently and I can legit go to Wal-Mart and not think I'll be shanked.

- I also was lucky enough to leave a job I despised, oddly in a position I sadly was perfect for at my alma mater. Trust me, working there was far worse than anything I've ever had to endure and leaving a boss who was truly awful made me appreciate the places I had worked before .  Not many people are lucky enough to get to leave a place that makes them unhappy, I'm grateful for that.

- Let's get to sports!  2016, you brought us a Chicago Cubs World Series.  Can you believe that!?  The freaking Chicago Cubs won a World Series, handing over the longest sports drought to the Arizona Cardinals.  Amazing.

- Peyton Manning won a Super Bowl to finish his career, I'm okay with that, even though Broncos fans are a bit much sometimes.

- 2016 also brought the Cleveland Cavaliers their first championship.  Hell Cleveland in general had a good sports year.  The Cavs won the NBA Championship.  The Cleveland Indians made the World Series and will probably win one in the next few years.  And the Cleveland Browns are going to be god awful, but they may be so bad, that in about 3-4 years, if done right, they will finally be good.

- The Houston Rockets no longer wear these!

I mean, it's been a while, but at least they don't wear them, yuck.  Worst jersey ever.  (Oooh, another blog idea!).

- AJ Styles debuted!  If you don't know what that means then that's okay!  He rules.

Image result for aj styles

- Leo DiCaprio, the most "unlucky" guy in the world finally won his Oscar (oddly for the worst movie he was nominated for....Wolf of Wall Street is phenomenal).  So that happened!

- Here is a PBS link with even more good things that happened, that I'm too lazy to write about:
Good Things to Happen.

Hey you're back from that link!  That was some good stuff!  Grad rates better, less teen birth no matter how hard Teen Mom tries.  Yay!

- Now if you've been here, you know I hate the Kardashian's, but I love Kylie Jenner, and she's done some amazing work this year!  Such as:

Image result for kylie jenner 2016 instagram photos

Kleeman/Jenner 2032.  Will she be old enough to be my vice president by then!?  WHO CARES!?

- Music has been great this year, touched on in an earlier blog which can be found here:

Best Music of 2016

These are just a few of the things I found great about 2016, did you have anything good happen?

Feel free to share, or call me an idiot for trying to show you that this year wasn't all that bad!  Next year will be even better with the arrival of my daughter (two weeks!).  Two of my good friends I grew up with are getting married next year.  More trips in store.  More things will happen good and bad.  But remember, without the bitter, the sweet just ain't as sweet.  So calm down, be happy, appreciate what you got, and keep reading my blog (I like the numbers!).

Thanks for reading.  See you next year, which is Sunday.

Jeff Kleeman

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