The Kleeman Report

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Planes, Trains and All of the Feels


Let me tell you about vacations, they are amazing.  They are exhausting.  They are expensive.  They give you memories that will last a life time.  (Also I almost named this blog Napa Know How, but I thought the word play was better with this). 

Last December, we had the idea to book a trip to wine country in June.  We were REALLY hoping things would be better by then, luckily things are...well sort of better.  On our plan for this trip, we were lucky to talk one of our better friend couples, The Coley's, in to coming, and wouldn't you know it, they said yes!

This vacation was so good, so interesting, and so silly, I thought it would make the perfect topic for a Kleeman Report.  Let's begin!


Vacations, especially for parents of young children, are a silly thing.  You book the vacation MONTHS in advance, wanting to get some much needed rest, maybe get a little drunk, and definitely be able to do things at a different location past 8 pm (on the west coast it would've been a bed time/hotel hang out of 6 PM if we brought the kids).  So we got to do all of those things, but you miss your kids incredibly bad (if you're a good parent anyway) so when we left at 4 AM on Wednesday morning I felt incredibly guilty for leaving the kids (with their grandparents btw, they can't fend for themselves until the oldest is 7...just kidding).  

Also driving an hour to the airport at 4 AM, downing a coffee energy drink has got to be the absolute worst thing for my health.  First, way less sleep.  Second, I just inhaled whatever the hell they put in that energy drink which, third, leads to the shakes lol.  If I would've been pulled over, I would've told whoever pulled me over I was wasted JUST so I didn't have to drive anymore.  

Back to the airport, so airports are always weird and they always suck.  That's just my opinion (my spot on opinion).  You take a bunch of people and throw them in a little tin can of a place and watch anarchy ensue.  Add in the stress of doing this STILL during a pandemic.  Sprinkle in some "people have always sucked, but now they are 10x worse after the last year".  Then throw in tired/excited for their trip and you have a recipe usually for disaster.  LUCKILY, this first part was fine...for us.  The Coley's got delayed at a different airport, which is always the absolute worst (more on this later) for the people and the people meeting them (luckily this part ended up fine for us as well).

Layover in Phoenix, then off to the San Fran airport.  I'm a 49'ers fan, this is known.  Biggest observation of the airport?  There is literally no 9'ers swag at the airport.  Just nothing.  Every airport has a ton of stores showing off their local team.  The Phoenix airport had a Suns shirt so cool, I debated making them my second favorite team (still, go Bulls).  But San Fran?  Nothing.  Doesn't exist.  Also if you want to eat, good f'ing luck doing it after you get your bags.  So we hadn't ate since the previous day, it was now noon'ish and the only, the ONLY PLACE, to get any food was a Starbucks, luckily located by the baggage claim for our delayed friends, the Coley's.  Now for the rental car!

Rental cars suck.  Trust me I used to work at Enterprise, they suck.  You don't get the insurance, you don't need it, but question if you should've gotten it the whole time...even though you don't need it.  Then they have all these hidden fees, especially in California with them damn troll tolls.  Other than that, absolutely solid time with our Mitsubishi family car.  

Our time in San Fran wasn't long, but we did happen to stumble to the Wharf.  We had been there years ago with another couple (the Pew's) but nothing had really changed besides more masks (by about 99% more).  Just a bunch of tourist traps, seafood and NO 49'ERS GEAR ANYWHERE!  It's literally my birthday in days, come on.  

So wine country, Napa...  I love (still do after writing this!).  Is it overpriced?  Yes, but everything is overpriced, even the McChicken is now overpriced.  The only thing that honestly sucked was getting there.  Here's a fun fact I learned, there is nowhere to pee in San Fran.  So Napa is very, very close, so I decide to hold my's also what I learned...if you hold your pee long enough you start to lose feeling in your toes and fingers.  Yeah, that happened lol.  

The resort we stayed at was legit fantastic.  Do I remember the name?  No, but if you really want to know you can message me and ask, then I'll ask my wife or Gina (cuz David probably can't name it either lol), then let you know.  

Also we decided on Napa in June because the temps are normal.  I forgot to mention that.  The temps are normal...they are usually normal....they aren't normal, it was over 90 the entire time, hitting triple digits each day except the last.  So there was some sweat.  But everywhere we booked was outside.  So this is the only vacation I've ever lost weight because as I was eating, it was instantly sweating out of my body.  

Also I love the West Coast for two reasons, sports are on way earlier.  And when I visit 8 PM is 10 PM and I have no issues going to bed.


WINE TRAIN DAAAAAAAY.  One of the most fun things I've ever done.  So this is a train that you get on, drink some wine, eat some food in courses, then in between go to wineries and drink more wine.  Napa is one adult drunk fest and I'm here for that.  

A few things from this day, I'll make it seem shorter by writing it this way:

- it's known I love chatting up people, especially on vacation.  Our table bonded with 3 ladies from the Dominican Republic, initially by singing the classic "C'Mon and Ride It (The Train)" by the Quad City DJ's. then getting IN to the friend zone with all of them through our love of Keith Sweat "Nobody".    They later on bought me a whiskey and I think a birthday dollop of gelato.

- the train broke down I think 3-4 times, at the time it sucked, until I realized it got us more time on the train and we got to know some of our fellow passengers.  Our two tables in the back got the train going so much that we all ended up getting a dance party started in the outside portion.  Still got it.  

- I had some favorites on the train.  One was a guy who came with his grandma, he was super shy, then at the end busted out some dance moves with the loudest lady from the D.R. to the amazement of everyone, except his grandma (that bitch new he had game).  I was also convinced Mark Sanchez was on our train, and he was the biggest wet blanket until the end, and I'm convinced it's because he was racist until he got drunk.  Also the guy whose girlfriend I kept calling Katy Perry was fun, hint...she didn't remotely look like Katy Perry.  

- the history of Napa is incredible, each place having a different story is just so cool to me.  I'm not going to recap any of it, because this is long enough, but I highly suggest going and just visit any winery, chat them up, and get some great stories from them.  


Winery day.  We did three this day.  Here's a good observation made by someone that might have been me: "It's not buzzed driving if you're a parent, the cops know".  I was only half kidding ;)

*edit cuz I'm not deleting any of the above, my wife said it was two wineries this day, we had a massage that morning.  I f'ing love massages, this one was one of those that really hurt but got rid of whatever has been living in my back for the past year.  It was incredible.  When it ended, I definitely was not happy.  

*edit cuz I'm not deleting that last joke...that joke never works and I only think it's funny, so it stays.

The first winery was fine, we just noticed that women love to raise their leg and move their hip in every picture, so I had to contribute with David.

The second winery really changed my perspective on wine and really made me think about life.  I'm completely serious.  I don't remember the name of the place, but you drove up a hill for what seemed like a half hour, but then you got this view.  

- I found out what a sommelier was on this trip.  That's a job.  Drink wine and talk about it.  Doing taste tests like it's the Pepsi challenge, but for wine.  They make bank and get to have mustaches, what a life!

- Wine being a moment in life makes sense, I'm not some wine snob because I can't name a single one besides Relax.  But trying different wines from different years, but the same kind of wine...and they taste different was pretty cool.  Or hearing how it's farmed.  And how if you farm differently can help prevent global warming.  Just a lot of cool things to digest.  

- also it was really hot.


I'm not going to recap everything on this vacation.  Three wineries on this day.  The first one gave us like 8 glasses and we didn't pay (thanks Izzy!).  The second one had a girls bachelorette more pictures with legs raised (I'm used to those at a bachelor party...WAYO!!!).

Also I love these vacays with friends.  I can't talk enough about how awesome the Coley's were on this trip.  Just adventures during the day.  By night some wine while watching a basketball classic between the Bucks and the Nets.  Then sleep.  Hell yeah, let's do another.  Next time let's add a third couple for two more adventurers!


Sort of the last day of the vacation.  These days are weird cuz you're in this dead zone of what to do.  You pack if you're a planner like all four of us are.  So then you try to do things to kill time because if you read above, we're all exhausted by this point.  We had one more visit to this dessert place in this town, then to buy $200 fried chicken for lunch.

Somehow on this trip we haven't filled up the gas tank once, which was nice, so we put in $8 and went to the coolest town in the country, Sausalito!

* I copied and pasted that from 2015 when we went, I thought that then, Sausalito is still really cool, but man I was either exhausted or tired of spending money by this point.  Plus, get this, Sausalito is right outside of San Fran...NO 9ERS SWAG! 

The only advice I would give, we didn't get dinner because all of us were so full and tired of food and wine, I had a cheeseburger a half hour before I went to sleep that night.  That was a bottom 5 moment all time for me.  It's this list, in no order:

1. Eating a cheeseburger 30 minutes before bed as a man in his late 30's (birthday next week!).

2. Dying my hair blonde once.  

3. Dating one girl in college who thought it was cool to say teh (pronounced TAY) instead of the word the (pronounced exactly how it's spelled).

4. Working for USD in 2016.

5. Trying to finish a gallon of milk in under an hour...twice.


Flight day!  The best/worst day.  You're tired.  You want to get home.  You're smelly (admit it).  You're sick of spending money.  And we REALLY missed our kids.  

I also saved this part for last because it was a fun trip, so the last thing I want to do is complain about a cool trip we got to take during a pandemic, but dear lord do people suck.  Either I'm getting older now and just cranky, or people are 10x worse since all this pandemic/political crap.  Things that annoyed me on this trip, mostly at the airport:

- the people who were wearing "fake" masks.  Just F off.  I had to wear my mask for 14 straight hours.  I did it because it's what we were told to do, it's the right thing to do at the airport (even if vaxed), and the fact you went through all that work to wear a mask all day, but the wrong kind on purpose shows you're more of an idiot than anything.  

- selfish ass people.  So we were trying to catch a quick layover and this guy at the front of the plane wasn't listening to the flight attendant to sit down so we could land.  He was reorganizing his bags and his kids stuff, wearing headphones and not listening to anybody.  So of course when it was time to get off the plane, who was the asshole taking as long as possible to get his stuff out and organize it while people were waiting behind him?  That dick.

- if you're glass half full like me...which I'm barely hanging on to these days, you can take a lot out of the last year and the improvements that have/can be made off of the last year.  Airports and airplanes need to change their shit.  Bigger seats, cheaper prices, more options of how and where to fly.  Actually following through with restrictions for fellow passengers and not being afraid of far left or far right Karen's (also we need a new term, I've met some super nice Karen's lately, one on our tram to get to our connecting flight!).  

Other than airport related things it was a super great trip, with some great friends at a place everyone should attempt to visit at some point, but the best part....was seeing my kids.  After the delay of course.

Oh delay's...aren't they lovely?  They are out of your control, so you sit there like a clueless idiot, because you are.  Watching a flight that you saw was already in the air being delayed for 5 minutes....then 15....then 32....then the most crucial part of your trip, wanting to see your kids.  FINALLY boarding, and I shouldn't be complaining because it was legit an extra hour, but when you want to see your kids it's like days, I can see why Cameron Poe in Con Air just wanted to chill, he just wanted to get his kid that teddy bear!

But let me tell you, that part when you see your kids after a long vacation, there's nothing like it.  Nothing.  

That's the memory I'll take from this vacation, oddly it's of me coming home.  My daughter being so excited she didn't know what to do.  My son just squealing, there's a better word than squealing but I can't think of it, he was just so happy that we were home.  Snuggling on the couch with them and the love they have for us is truly better than any feeling I've ever had...and I've met Coolio.

Lastly my wife, the adventures we've been on, and will continue to go on...there's nothing like it.  Here's our best photo from the trip.

Our next trip is to see the 9ers play the Bears in Chicago, quick little 48 hour trip in October...and I swear to god I know without a shadow of a doubt, that the damn Chicago airport will have 100x the amount of Bears swag than the San Fran airport did for the 9ers.  

Thanks for reading!  I hear I was interviewed by PBS about why my family left South Dakota...I'll give you three guesses what my next blog is about.  If I even write it (I don't know who reads this, it just tells me a number, but there's a certain few I'd love to bitch out for not just asking me and bitching to others like a child, I'm really not that interesting to still be talked about one year after we moved), reactions I've heard have been "yeah, duh" to the other end where either people are mad I dissed the state or didn't know...and still don't...what the reasons were...and it wasn't all job related, that was probably dead last.  Thanks for reading, see you next week.

Til next time.


Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Parenting Advice

Who doesn't love unsolicited parenting advice!?  The answer?  Nobody!  I love telling people what to do with their kids.  You know who else likes to lay down Law & Order?  Ice Tea Danny Gilbertson, that's who.  So we decided to ask each other some parenting questions, to give the best advice to you, the parents who need it ;)

Warning: The majority of this is satire.  Duh.

How do you get your kids to sleep?

Danny: Easy, shot of whiskey right before bedtime.

Best idea for playtime?

Danny: The William Tell Game. It teaches precision and they can eat the fruit afterwards so it’s healthy also!

How to get a difficult child to eat?

Danny: Turn everything into a chicken nugget. Just bread it, deep fry it, and bam, broccoli chicken nuggets.

Best TV show/book for education?

Danny: The Art Of The Deal. One chapter a night and so by the time when they turn 10 they’ll be on their way to their first bankruptcy.

Let’s say you get a message from your kids teacher that they are bullying, how do you handle it?

Jeff: High five the kid.  Look, 98% of people are crappy as it is, it's good they are standing up for themselves in a world of monsters.  But after the high five, clearly five weeks with no Cocomelon, I'm not trying to raise monsters.

How old is too old to spank your kid?

Jeff: In our house we don't spank.  They get time out, toys and TV taken away.  But what we should really ask is, "What's the best age to start spanking adults?  So many crap people, if someone is being awful I think age 22-40 should be fine.  Hire a tough person to do the spankings (it's hard for people to get jobs), in public of course.  Boom, new jobs for people who need to find work. 

How many Lego's can you step on as a parent before you decide to throw them all away in a fit of rage?

Jeff: Trick question, the answer to this is ONE.  They can get their fix of Lego's by watching the Lego movies, all terrific movies, even for adults.  At this point I would rather walk over hot coals then step on a Lego again, and I've clearly only stepped on ONE...ever.

What is the best time for a kid to go to bed?

This is a big one for all parents.  But the best answer is what is the best time for you, the parent, to go to sleep?  That answer is 7 PM.  If you're actually a parent you should be exhausted by 7 PM, but you should try to stay up til 10/11 PM for sanity.  If you're out clubbing on a Wednesday night til 2 AM, drinking Pepsi, your kid is more of a parent than you.  But the answer for your kid is every night at 7:45 PM...enough time to binge watch a movie or two shows, then pass out on the couch like a true parent.

This was fun!  Danny, let's do this again, maybe this can be the Q&A blog we do in the future where you, the readers, give us questions and we both answer, kind of like the Coke or Pepsi Challenge?  We'll type our answers blindfolded and let spellcheck REALLY get to work.

Thanks for reading!


Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Cory Beach Volleyball


So I had a blog idea a few weeks ago, it came from a conversation I had with my buddy Kyle Jensen (the North Carolina one, not the Nebraska one I randomly met a few weeks ago...or the other one in Lincoln, or the baseball player...I'll just move on).  I had read that Vince McMahon doesn't allow people to sneeze around him, he views it as a sign of weakness.  "What would you not let people do, if you were rich?" was the question proposed by Mr. Jensen.  Well that's a great idea for a blog!

But it wasn't when I sat down to write it, I couldn't think of anything besides not wanting people to say "we" when referencing their sport teams.  It's a minor annoyance, so I ditched the blog idea, wrote something else and offhand included that just to get it out there.  Then a few days ago I randomly thought of Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball.

A little background on this game, it was a fighting game series that was called Dead or Alive.  Then one year they decided to make a game where just girl characters from the game play volleyball on this island, all scantily clad, super great kids's bonkers.  It randomly popped in my head because I was reading about things and people that were canceled (a future blog on that is coming up) and I was like, no freaking way this game comes out today, right?  

So then I got to thinking of a video game idea among my friends.  One of my best friends is named Cory Beach.  Unlimited potential of cool things with that last name (if he goes in to tropical drinks, Cory Beach Drinks, etc).  Now I'm not sure who came up with the idea (during that time frame of 2002-2008...there was a lot of drinking, it could be anyone), but the idea was to rescue Cory out of Las Vegas where he had lived for a time.  And the only way to get him out of whoever was in charge, holding Cory hostage, was to organize a volleyball tournament and win the tourney.  Then of course, if you win the game you win Cory Beach as a playable character.

So then I got to thinking, if I won a ton of money at anytime in my life, the first thing I'm doing is getting this video game made.  So instead of making people around me not do something so I'm not annoyed at them...I would maybe throw a get together, (let's say Rat Pack 24....if we even do a 17th this year, I don't know, but let's just say that for story purposes it's Rat Pack 24...) provide a nice little gift and everyone gets a nice copy of Cory Beach Volleyball with a bottle of their favorite liquor and we go play the game (which console?  I don't know, for me Playstation 2)!

So since I'm going to need this written down in some form when I hit it big (cryptocurrency, the lottery, finding something valuable and re-selling it...things that involve little to no effort), I'm going to write the story for Cory Beach Volleyball.  The characters (if you're not in it, it's fine!  I'm just going with eight to ten people).  And a brief sequel idea.   So without further adieu!  



Cory Beach has been held captive in Las Vegas!  The year is 2005, and Cory is working for an evil satellite company, but he cannot get out of the city, nor can he leave his job.  He's TRAPPED!  His friends in a last ditch effort to save Cory, fly out to Las Vegas to confront his evil boss to save him and return him back home.  

The boss (he's going to remain nameless...for now), notices Eric "Ras" Rasmussen wearing a volleyball t-shirt.  The boss, being a HUGE volleyball fan, proposes that he will release Cory Beach from his contract, if, and ONLY IF, they can put together a ragtag volleyball team that can defeat the evil companies award winning squad.

The Cast:

As I stated earlier, it can't be all of Cory's friends, but maybe we can do some downloadable content down the line where we add more who didn't make it?  Also it's the year 2005 so...whatever, here's the cast!

Eric "Ras" Rasmussen:

Killer serve and a killer personality.  Ras doesn't take any guff from anyone, especially on the volleyball court.  Every time he's on the court, the best hard rock of 2005 will be playing.  Two playable options, one with a beard, one without.

Eric's on the left.  The guy on the right...which is Eric's left is:

Dustin Schempp

Deadly spike!  Deadly great hair.  This dude will destroy anyone in his path to rescue Cory.  There will be a scene where you get the Schempp laugh if you win three games in a row.  Two playable options, one with a hat, one without.

Brian Varns (So I just got a new computer and haven't transferred old photos up AND Brian got rid of so many pics on Facebook, so enjoy...whatever it is I found on Google which is below)

Watch out world, Brian is left-handed!  He has nonstop energy and has so much experience playing video games he CAN'T FAIL getting Cory out of Las Vegas.  Two playable options, one as Brian, one as a hulked up version of Brian that looks exactly Stephen Varns (psssst it's Steve Varns).

Danny Gilbertson

Danny Gilbertson aka Young Boy aka Cowriter aka Mr. Volleyball.  Yeah that's right, this dude just happens to play professional volleyball in his sleep.  He's what they like to call the "bad boy" of this squad.  You want trouble?  You got it with Danny.  Three playable options as any of his aliases (he's like Mick Foley!), but all three have different hats (we wore a lot of hats in 2005, okay!).

Jeff Kleeman

A Jeff of all trades if you will, because he's had so many jobs he can do everything, but just adequately.  Only audio will be something that sounds like KAAAAAH every time he hits a volleyball.  Two playable options, one with a stocking hat, one without (if it was 2005 I was wearing a stocking hat at all times...I still don't know why).  I'm on the left...the man on the right is next!

Kyle "Eugene" Kelly

Do not make this guy mad.  So mild mannered, but he's like the Incredible Hulk, if you get him angry WATCH THE HECK OUT!  Two playable versions, one with a Dolphins hat, one with a Tiger Woods Nike hat.  So many hats!

Aaron Pew

Another lefthander!  Watch out Las Vegas, this guy is ready to get Cory out of that damn city if it's the last thing he does...unless the Vikings are playing, then he is an unplayable character in the game.  Two playable versions, one with a non ironic Vikings jersey (Randy Moss #84, duh) and one with an ironic jersey (clearly Mitch Berger #...checking Google...17).

Aaron is on the right...the man in the middle is next!

Ryan "Dino" Dineen

Dino!  Super tough guy.  He can spike the ball, serve the ball, but he will NOT set it.  He draws the line at setting it.  Great at everything else though (he can spike cuz he's tough, he can serve because he's a great bartender, the setting, the man can't set a table to save his life, he puts the fork on the right side for god sake)!  Character will also sing the Burger King Tender Crisp Sandwich song before spiking the ball, then he'll scream WHAAACK!.  Two playable options, one with blonde tips in this hair (that happened!) one with a shaved head.

Alex Baker

The heart and soul of the volleyball squad.  14 volleyball championships.  12 MVP's.  Until the accident.  He won't talk about the accident The best setter of the bunch and a hell of a dancer.  How that comes to play in Cory Beach Volleyball?  Well you just gotta get the game!  If it ever comes out!  Two playable options, one with nothing written on his hands, the other with "Hate" and "Pain" written on his hands.  One of the levels takes place in "Spain".

Karl Reasoner

He's the man in the middle in the picture above.  If you want someone who will play volleyball at 85% efficiency, it's Karl.  If you want 100% percent you look down at the ground, scream THE KARL and you get that beast.  Two playable characters, duh, they are above, Karl...and The Beast, which is just Karl, but with an angry face.

And there's the characters!  Teams of 2 are chosen at any time, some work better together than others.  For instance if Pew and Brian are on the same team, both are left handed, that's not right.  

8 playable levels from 2005, and they are:

- Spain

- The Double Barrel

- The Dakota Dome Parking Lot

- White Castle (the party house, not the fast food chain)

- The Char Bar

- Pamida

- Canary Beach in Yankton

- Las Vegas strip

The end of the game finds the group of friends getting Cory out of Las Vegas and unlocking him as a playable character.  Cuz, duh.  Super easy.  

Were you expecting more for the dramatic conclusion to the end?  Okay then.  They get Cory out of Las Vegas.  The boss gets buried in the sand after a ferocious spike by Ryan "Dino" Dineen.  They all leave to go back to South Dakota.  Pan back to the sand, the boss's hand sticks out of it with a 2005 flip phone and calls his cousin in Vermillion.  It's cold in Vermillion, so the sequel will be Cory Beach Snowboarding, where all the above characters, plus 8 more playable characters, have to do snowboarding tricks to get Cory out of the cold.  HE HATES THE COLD!

 Well if you made it this far, this is the most ridiculous blog I've ever written, and I couldn't be happier with it.  Two things, apparently everyone hates movie idea blogs, but I'll keep writing them, I don't care (I kinda do!).  The second thing, I was just interviewed by a great reporter for South Dakota Public Broadcasting about young people moving away from South Dakota (Google it, it's a good listen) hey, my next blog will be about South Dakota...unless it's not!?  Stay close, go far!

Until next time.
