The Kleeman Report

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Washing Clothes (Everyone is Faking It)

*This has been written for weeks, but I've been sitting on it.  But here we go!

I've been stuck on a blog topic for the past few weeks....and here's why.  There's only so much I can write about...feeling that all I do is wash clothes as a parent.  

I literally do 3 things in life.  1.  Parent.  2.  Complain about a lack of sleep even though it's a sufficient amount.  3.  Wash clothes.  Where was that advice in the parenting handbooks that I read!?  (Yes, I read 2 parenting handbooks, front to back.  I also read a "baby-led weaning" book.  I also have one more downstairs that I got as a gift from my aunt and uncle for when the kids get older.  Hint, most of these books have very useful advice...hint again, you will really follow none of it.  Don't even get me started on baby-led weaning).    

I got clothes duty at the house, I don't usually mind.  What I do mind is that with 2 kids who are a combined 60 pounds seem to quadruple the amount of laundry we have.  It's so MONOTONOUS. 

In between washing clothes, you parent.  Parenting is hard.  So when I see a person giving me advice on how to talk to a screaming toddler...I listen, I thank this guy/girl for their wisdom in my head....and then I literally forget everything I was just told.  Everyone is faking it.  In fact...I will right now put that in parenthesis in the title of this blog...(Everyone is Faking It).

You can take that however you want.  Parenting, marriage, work?  Everyone is faking it...well almost everyone.  If you're trying and actually spending time with your kid, you are doing great.  If you're spending actual time with your significant other, not cheating on them or being a dick, fantastic job.  Work?  Work is third most important, it should definitely not be your first two, but if you're trying and not setting a place on fire, I think you're doing pretty me, I've had a lot of jobs!  But overall, just being a good person will get you far in life.  This faking a good way ;)

So this blog really won't have a specific topic...not that it ever does?  How about I get in to some random thoughts?  

*upon completion of this blog, it DEFINITELY has a specific topic.  

- I hate covid and want it to go away.  

- Why does everyone with a "If you don't like this country, get out!" t-shirt always tuck it in?  And wear sunglasses that are too small for their face?

- I really wish I could take my kids places without worrying they will get sick from this f'ing pandemic.  I wish more parents, and people honestly, felt the same.  

- Why does everyone with a "If you don't like this country, get out!" t-shirt always wear it on a super hot day?  They are predominantly black shirts.  It's not really good for the ol' body temp.  Black does hide pit out stains I guess, but it doesn't hide your beliefs.  Also these shirts have so much writing on them!  It's like a No Fear shirt without the irony. 

- I really wish politicians wouldn't suck.  Both sides suck, sure, but one side likes to believe January 6th was a pleasant day for tourism.  Hates masks.  Really hates science and women's rights.  Doesn't understand HPAA.  

- Global warming is real and there's seemingly nothing we can do about it because of idiots, greedy idiots, assholes, or greedy idiot assholes.  In 20 years the climate is supposed to be drastically different, I'll be 59, I'm 3/4th's done at that point, but my kids will just be getting started.  How beyond f'd up is that?  Where was that in the parenting's my entry:

"You will get anxiety about your kids future about things that are out of your control.  War?  Global warming?  Terrorism?  The Kardashian's coming back?  Another pandemic if this one doesn't fucking go away?  Boys?  Girls?  College?  If you are thinking of having kids, think about what life will be like in 20 years, that's my fucking parenting advice."

- Why does anyone wear a "If you don't like this country, get out!" shirt in public?  Just makes me think you're a trash person looking for an argument.  Also your hall pass is probably Lauren Boebert...which, yeah sure I guess?  At least it's not MTG...(note to self, how to write a non-offensive hall pass article?  I mean Emilia Clarke is probably my answer now that the AT&T girl got a weird haircut, or Margot Robbie).  

Story time.  Last winter our kids had swimming lessons.  And there was a mask mandate to get in for all parents.  It was in the emails/texts/on the door.  Everyone followed it.  Except one guy.  My nickname for him was January 6th, I kept wanting to ask him how the trip was to DC.  And he was always smirking!  So let's get deep here (that's what she said).  My biggest disappointment in becoming an adult, is realizing that some people never fully become one.  

Also nobody ever confronted him about it.  A) because they were on his side, but actually following the rules because we were in a business where, you know, people should follow the rules.  Or B) nobody wanted to get in to a confrontation/argument at their kids swimming lessons (this would be me).  

Growing up I stupidly thought people got smarter as they got older.  Whether it was learning from mistakes they'd made.  Realizing what their parents taught them were wrong.  Maybe just getting education or being put in a different circumstance could help them learn as people, being accepting of others.   It's how you get more well rounded as an individual, making friends with people that don't have the yourself.  No, all of these people grew up to not wear masks and make fun of people for getting a vaccine to help them live.  Social media definitely doesn't help.  Technology really f'd us on misinformation but really helped (un-f'd us?) on figuring out who the people were that we didn't need in our life. 

I'm still learning to be a better person, human being, husband, dad, Madden player (too many buttons, why did they make it so hard!).  Nobody is perfect.  But in between washing clothes, I need to teach my kids the importance of being kind.  Learning new cultures and lifestyles.  Not being a complete fucking asshole.  You know, the small things.  Most importantly, I need to teach them to not wear a stupid shirt out (or poorly made red hats....or Nazi hats, definitely not something I thought I'd type in 2021...NAZI HATS) in public, meant to start confrontation, menace people, and bully.  

I'm literally tired of logging on to whatever daily social media and being disappointed by yet another story/opinion/event that shouldn't be happening.  I really should rename this blog 98% of people suck, but if you know me, you know I think that already.  I'm incredibly frustrated at the future my kids might have, looking at how bleak it is with the lawmakers who are in charge now, the politicians who don't have your/our/their best interests in mind.  Global warming is a thing.  This pandemic is a thing.  Jersey Shore is still on TV.  What in the living fuck is going on?  

I married a physician, so I've been getting texts or calls since 2012, asking a medical opinion and invading her free time with questions.  But the minute medicine became insanely political and she gives advice that you don't agree with, like wearing a mask and getting a vaccine, you go looking for what you want to hear and sadly it's coming from someone with tiny sunglasses, wearing a shirt that tells you "If you don't like this country, get out!".  Unfortunately that person doesn't know what they are talking about...this would be known as faking a bad way :(

Do better. 

Jeff Kleeman 

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Old Friends

The best idea my friend Cory ever came up with was a social media website called,  Clearly a nice riff on the CLASSIC website MySpace, combining it with the formerly awesome, now a forever nuisance, Facebook.  (Cory don't kill me!  Plus you own socialdownfall, might as well buy as well!  Kaaaaaah!).

But now that Facebook sucks, I think it's time for a new social media to hit the scene (oh I'm aware of Snapchat, Instagram, the ill-fated MySpace comeback, Friendster, TikTok, etc...but this new website will eliminate the need for them all!).  So this new website is going to have some ground rules.  I don't want a bunch of the far sides (far left or right) ruining our fun.  Let's call the site

Below is what will be needed to join this website.  

- THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE, if you were on Facebook in 2005 up until they let anyone join, you're welcome to join.  You just got automatic entry to this, you're an OG.  Bonus points if you use your college password... jessicaalba4lyfe01...great password.  
- your profile picture must be your first FB profile picture, mine is above!  I clearly hated haircuts and loved thrift stores, think of me as a less white version of Macklemore.  
- we get Tom back from MySpace to be everyone's friend.  
- speaking of MySpace, you have to pick a song for your page, that was bad ass MySpace...I pick Disco Inferno by 50's sentimental, taking me back to a simpler time.  
- a limit on friends and you must put them in order (like MySpace).  If someone you met at a work training adds you on this, they immediately get kicked off due to me.  
- poking is back!  But since we're old, by this point instead of a finger, the icon it will be a cane. 
- remember Mafia Wars?  Yeah, it will be highly recommended that everyone has to play that.  
- if you broke up, were broken up with, even if you were first grade sweethearts, you aren't friend.  You know you're looking at your exes shit, stop being weird. 
- we're losing money on this project, don't you worry, I'm paying for your fun, so no ads.  No outside influence.  The only outside influence I want, is when you make an event and it ends up being a total rager, I want the cops to show up like every time we did the same thing in 2006.  
- speaking of losing money, timed mobile access.  We're on our phones enough, laptop, desktop or WEBTV only.  Hey, remember WEBTV?!?  After, oh let's say 10 hours a week, you're booted.  That should suffice...because 10 is a bonkers amount of time to be on one site.  

Next is for the people that want to join.  It's gonna be tough...get your pens and paper out, jot down some notes.  

IF YOU JOINED AFTER EVERYONE GAINED ACCESS.  You have to commit to the following:
- no opinions...about anything.  Just say hi, plan a party or poke's basically college all over again.  
- no links can be shared.  Dangerous game of this developed when FB let the oldies join.  (personal favorite, that helicopters were holding a blanket, covering Mt. Rushmore during a government shut down, this was shared by an adult...who votes...go on, guess who she voted for and her stance on masks).  
- no reposts, ESPECIALLY from a radio station asking you clearly password related questions.  The make and model of my first car PLUS my social security number?  If you insist Power 94.5.  
- you get no picture...I want to like you for who you are...not what you filter.  You get one month to choose the perfect's what won't get you disqualified.
- tucking your shirt in unless you're in a dress shirt, unless it's ironic.  If you're at a white trash party and you tuck in your shirt in to jorts, sure.  If you're just white trash and tuck your shirt in to jorts...
- anything political, I almost said no to any red hat (including the Cardinals YUCK), but the Fred Durst red hat is back babaaay!  Keep on rollin', you know what time it is!

Then of course rules for staying on the site, your kicked off if you suck.  It'll be put to a vote by who you befriend.  If they think you're being a little off over the top, you can go.  

And that's it!  There's more to add, so if I missed anything let me know.  In other news I've had another blog written for the past week.  It started out as a parenting question as to how I constantly seem to be washing clothes.  Turned in to a motivating "you can do it!" about being parents/spouses/whatever.  Then it turned in to a wtf is wrong with people about the vaccine and masking.  Do I release the blog?  I don't know.  I do know it's going to piss some of you off.  I guess it wouldn't be allowed on would it?  

Thanks for reading!

Jeff Kleeman

PS I know the numbers of my music posts are garbage, but I need to listen to each of my vinyls and take a break from buying them, so I'm going to listen to 2-4 vinyls a week and do some reviews, cuz why the f not?