The Kleeman Report

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Holy Crap, I'm Going To Be a Dad!

I'm back!  I am pretty selfish, so I find that my blog does better numbers when I space them out.  I also find my blog does great numbers when it deals with someone being a father.  Well guess what? I'm having a kid.  Holy crap huh!?  A man who is one of the following people in this picture...

Is having a kid (actually another in that picture has a kid, not sure on the guys on both ends, no clue who they are, sure they're nice). It's pretty freaking crazy.  Luckily I couldn't have ended up with a better woman to help me do it.

So what is this blog going to be about you may ask?  Just some random thoughts about all of this baby making stuff, what I've stored up the past few weeks, waiting to write this blog.  I really hope this kid, and if we have any other, stumble upon this in the future, I will still want blog hits then, thanks kid/s!

Of course the reason for the wait wasn't just laziness this time, but a few variables.  Gotta wait a specific amount of time, had one of my best friends weddings to attend where we wanted to wait til after to announce (although I think it was figured out pretty quick), and waiting a bit longer was nice to kinda let it sink in.  The only crappy part of waiting those 3 months is you can't tell anybody, and the people you do tell, you worry will ruin the surprise.  Because on a personal and somewhat selfish level, it's pretty cool having this happen and one of the perks is doing a reveal picture like this (which got almost 400 likes, which is nowhere near the amount who read this in a week, I should have a kid more often to get more fake internet points).

In roughly 6 months a human being will be brought in to this world that we created, isn't that freaking crazy?  It's going to be great.  It's going to be tough.  And it's definitely going to affect a lot of our hobbies.  Less adventures (still going to Wrestlemania though, thanks Heather!), a lot less sleeping in, hopefully not less romance time, and the hobbies I've already tried to set out to do that I haven't touched yet, don't have that great a chance to get started...yet anyway (sorry keyboard!).  And at the same time, it is the greatest, most exciting thing to happen, it's crazy.

I'm already looking forward to the first step, the first word and the first time I get pee on my face (unintentionally get peed on, amiright?...just kidding, but that joke was too good to pass up...on second thought, I really hope the kid doesn't read this in the future).

Some fears of mine involving the next few months and after?  Facebook.  I'll get in to that in a much later blog, because I don't want to sound like a jerk...not yet anyway.  But oversharing pictures my kid is something I don't want myself or others to do, it's just a personal preference, especially with some crazies out there.

People getting too involved that aren't the parents is another fear.  Also trying to figure out everything that comes with having a kid is scary, which I'm currently reading a book, month by month, on all to expect.  It's not rocket science, if Kris Jenner can do it, anyone can right?

A big reason I'm pretty excited to become a dad is because I never had one.  Mine bolted before I was born, trust me, after finding out about him it's for the best.  So growing up, even when I was a kid, I always knew I wanted to be a dad and have a family one day, so all of this is crazy.  Step one to being a better dad than that asshole, actually being around for the kid. Step two, not being him.  That simple, right?  Really looking forward to sporting events, 49'ers games, catch, basically anything sports huh?  Boy or girl, doesn't matter.

Another reason I'm excited to have a kid, 90% of my friends seem to have one now, which is really cool.  I got to hang with my two friends kids the other night, got to experience a bit of what it'll be like to be a parent, half hilarious, half frustration, all I know is, I can see why all my friends with kids are getting grey faster than those without.

So coming up you'll get your usual blogs.  I won't change much, in fact I may start writing blogs at a better pace now that things are winding down a bit.  Just got two new Nintendo games, and I'm really excited to write about them (Bubble Bobble and Kirby's Adventure), I have a "For-profit colleges" blog, with my thoughts on them, and I will be ranking the top 10 Disney movies, all from my weird perspective.

Interspersed in between will be one of the millions of blogs about becoming a father.  So the next six months should be a wild ride.  Can't wait.  As usual, thanks for reading.

Jeff Kleeman