The Kleeman Report

Monday, March 5, 2018

Stop! There's a Movie On!

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I may have gotten lazy last week and waited to release this blog a good 4 days late!  Also the podcast is coming, ran in to some trouble that only this man could help me with!

Image may contain: Eric Rasmussen, suit

Thanks Ras!  Computer expert, funny guy, straight shooter...that's Eric Rasmussen. 

So the blog is an easy one this week, and it couldn't have come out at a better Oscars. 

Every Sunday I generally like to lay around (except for yesterday, super busy), and when I lay around my favorite thing to do...besides eating an entire large channel surf through movies.  I always enjoy the mystery of what is going to be on. 

The other day The Intern and The Internship were on back to back channels and my head exploded.  So we went and stopped on Jurassic Park. 

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Now don't get me wrong, I'm a Sam Neill fanatic, but I never stop on Jurassic Park, or Jurassic Park 2...or 3...I'm not generally a lover of this franchise.  It's a great movie but if I'm flipping through and land on a movie, it's going to be one of the following! 

The Goonies

There is no better movie that shows the torturing of a young child than this one:

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It's so good!  Reasons to stop on this are:

- the soundtrack, the Cyndi Lauper song is amazing...oh a link?  Sure!

- the fact that Josh Brolin is still in things makes me laugh
- the pizza place that Chunk is at in the beginning?  Oh, I'VE BEEN THERE!
- just a classic 1980's feel good movie. 

Space Jam

I don't need a gif or a meme to explain why this movie is on my list.  Because it's awful, but it's good awful. 

The game makes no sense.  The acting is awful.  The NBA stars selected all make sense for that time...except Shawn Bradley who shouldn't be in it. 

But it's all great, does that make sense?  No?  Okay, so it takes me to a time in my childhood when I loved all things NBA and Michael Jordan. The NBA in the 90's was the best.  So many memorable players, among them the greatest player in NBA history in Michael Jordan.  It's kinda funny.  Lola Bunny is uncomfortably attractive for a cartoon bunny...because she's clearly Natalie Dormer!

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Oh and Bill Murray is in it!

That's your answer.  Next!


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I've seen this movie probably 54 times in my life, maybe 55...who knows?  I just made that number up, but it's up there.  It's the best one out of the "original 4" and the second best one after The Dark Knight. 

I choose this over The Dark Knight because that movie is long as hell, and this one has Jack Nicholson hamming it up and a gloomy Michael Keaton, what's not to love?


- classic Bill Murray
- hilarious television edits
- again, an amazing soundtrack
- Baby Ruth scene

I dislike Chevy Chase, he has 3 good movies, this is one of them.  * can anyone guess the other two!?

Dumb and Dumber

I first saw Dumb and Dumber in 7th grade.  Our school took us to it the night of our state capital trip to Pierre, SD (if you're not from South Dakota, hell even if you are, now you know the state capital). 

I don't think the adults thought this selection through, and every time I see this movie I laugh about how insane it was to take a bunch of 12 year old's to this movie.  Even edited you get to see a lot of the classic scenes.

Also, this was literally right before Jim Carrey lost his damn mind.  He was such a treasure!

Mr. and Mrs. Smith

I don't know why, but every time this is on, I stop. 

Brad Pitt is pretty funny in it, Vince Vaughn is great...Angelina...

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Oh that's right, now it makes sense.  I'm team Angelina by the way, even after the divorce. 

It's a decent movie, I can sleep during it and wake up having felt I missed nothing.  It's a perfect Sunday movie experience. 

Talladega Nights

Our household loves Will Ferrell, even though he has some real crap movies from time to time.

He has so many classics: Old School, which almost made this list, Anchorman, Elf...but I chose this, why? 

Not sure.  But every time it's on, I stop.  It's super underrated.  Sacha Baron Cohen isn't annoying in it (his only good movie is Borat, unless you count Hugo). 

John C. Reilly is great. 

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Michael Clarke Duncan (RIP) is great.  So I stop. 

The Incredibles

Pixar is taking over the world.  No crappy movies except for the Cars franchise...I SAID IT!

The Incredibles is my favorite of the bunch.  It's not super sad.  It won't make you cry (Wall-E, Coco, Up).  It doesn't have Tim Allen. 

I have this as my number one all time Pixar movie, in the parenthesis above you can figure out the top 4...with that being said, one less topic of conversation on the Rushmore Review podcast... coming soon!  I swear!

The Replacements

This blog could literally be 10 pages of amazing movies.  I clearly haven't listed all of them, the blog would be too long, and you're probably almost done.  So here's the BEST movie to stop on...

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It's not a perfect movie.  There's a ton of flaws.  Orlando Jones is in it.  But if there isn't something about this movie every single damn time I'm flipping through where I think to myself, "I'm going to finish this, I don't even care." 

Keanu is always great, I don't care what anyone says.  Gene Hackman is one of my top 10 favorite actors ever.  The girl (Brooke Langton) in no longer famous, unless you count when she was in Friday Night Lights for a few episodes.  Her casting always make me wonder if Ashley Judd was literally busy the couple of months it took to film this?

Back to the movie!  It's a fun little movie.  It doesn't involve too much thought.  There's football in it.  There's a classic John Madden/Pat Summerall scene that has them do play-by-play of the sex scene. 
It has Gene f'ing Hackman.  Heads or tails I'm done with this blog Gene?   I'm picking tails for yes.

Image result for gene hackman replacements gif

I'm done! 

There are literally tons of movies to add to this.  I missed a lot (Tango & Cash, I'm so sorry!).  If I missed your favorite, or if you have any share, DO IT. 

Later on this week, hopefully that damn podcast will be going up.  Episode 2 is being taped tonight, the top 4 movie soundtracks of all time. 

The end of the week will have word associate with Brian Opp and I believe Aaron Pew is going to get me his list of the top 32 quarterbacks in the NFL, and we know that will be fun to read. 

Thanks for reading! 

Jeff Kleeman

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