The Kleeman Report

Monday, November 6, 2017

Facebook Trending

Hello!!!  Before we begin, a quick update on my show pitch to Jeff Kleeman.  1 out of 2 Jeff Kleeman's LOVE the idea.  Keep checking back for more updates. 

So if you've been on Facebook the past week, you've seen the newest and COOLEST trend.  Black and white pictures of...stuff.  Why?  Now that's a great question.  When I first started seeing it, I thought, "I'm indifferent".  But now when I see them, well, here's a black and white picture to show you what I think...

Image result for black and white confused

It's just another thing.  There was the ice bucket challenge, there were minions, there was actual #fakenews being spread, then non-actual #fakenews being spread (which is real news), now it's black and white pictures of anything...what's next!?

Well we're going to answer that for you.  I have enlisted some of the top minds in my speed dial, (do I still use speed dial...yes?) and we are going to give you some options as to the next Facebook trend.... hell, we might even start one of them.  So sit back, enjoy, and feel free to share what you like, because let's make this about YOU, the reader...because that's what Facebook does.  Let's go!

Kid Rock in the Morning

Are you having trouble getting your day started, but want to find the accurate Kid Rock song to express it?  Seven days straight...Kid Rock.  Nothing better to get your day going.  Here is my personal selection:

 We'll only keep this as 7 days, because there is such a thing as too much Kid me. 

Tag a friend in a random picture of food, but don't tell them why!  Then have them do one of you!

This one has unlimited possibilities.  Here is my friend Dustin:

Image result for salsa

Hahahaha what!?  That'll have his head spinning.  I hope I get one of these, I just hope it's not lasagna!!!!

Do something good in real life and don't post it on Facebook

Image result for burst out laughing gif

Just kidding, that's not...that's not a thing.  Speaking of Nicolas Cage...

Every day is Nicolas Cage day, but only when he's!

Image result for burst out laughing gif

I made the gif bigger differentiate you see....I wasn't being lazy!  You're lazy!

Take a picture at a restaurant you hate, but be eating at that restaurant, then make people guess and whoever guesses has to do the same thing you just did!

Image result for applebee's

This is my least favorite restaurant, but I go due to other people's decisions.  Can you guess it!?  You better be careful because then you'll have to post a picture yourself!

Added bonus, contributing money to society and to servers who rely on money for a living! 

Image result for burst out laughing gif

Petition to bring back Mafia Wars!!!

This isn't a joke.  I really want them to bring back Mafia Wars.  Is that still a thing?  Are my stats saved!? 

Where are they!?!

Image result for mafia wars

Post something you really love about your current significant other on your exes wall, then, they can do the same to one of their exes!

I don't see anything bad coming out of this idea. 

Well, we have a nice start.  Seven amazing ideas here people.  Feel free to add any in the comments on Facebook, on this website, or by text message.  I'll be constantly updating this blog throughout the week, then who knows, we may start our own trend!? 

Thanks for reading! 

Jeff Kleeman

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