The Kleeman Report

Saturday, October 21, 2017

So Now What?

Ladies and gentleman...I did it.  I #foundbrokaw:

For those of you who have read this site since 2015 (thanks by the way!), my friends and I came up with an awesome concept called #findbrokaw.  The concept was I would put up 3 random pictures of Tom Brokaw around the campus of the University of South Dakota to promote my website/blog.  If you found the flyer, you got a prize (a shot...I'm not rich!).

The reason we chose Tom Brokaw is because he is the most famous alumni from the University of South Dakota, located in lovely Vermillion, SD!

***Editors note, it's not just Tom Brokaw who went here, but other luminaries such as:

Al Neuharth
Joe Foss
Derek Miles
Pat O' Brien
Bill Janklow

...okay, maybe not all winners.  But Brokaw is!  He shared my same college  (I was mass communication, him political science), shared my same passion (aimlessly going through college and somehow graduating), and then he got in to the career that he always pursued (alright, that we don't have in, moving along!)!

Every year there is a homecoming gathering at my alma mater that we affectionately call Dakota Days, D Days for short.  So the thinking with the #findbrokaw idea (besides promoting my site) was to ultimately try to find the man himself, get a picture with him, and write about it on this blog.  Unfortunately, certain circumstances limited him to appearing here, so we just kind of used it as a fun hashtag, announcing the arrival, or a persons arrival, of Dakota Days.  He was never coming...

Image result for that's what she said

A few months ago, I got word from someone in the know that Tom Brokaw would be making a return to Vermillion aka the University of South Dakota.  Excited I told EVERYONE.  He'll be back at D Days! We will get a beer with him, FINALLY!!!  Yeah BROKAW!!!

Image result for tom brokaw smiling

But that wasn't in the cards.  Not D Days anyway, he was coming the NEXT week, hosting a public forum concerning Russia and United States relations.  I was down.  I saw a great forum, I got to see someone who thinks somewhat like me (I'm moderate, both political sides have a lot of improvement to make.  Two (of many) main things in my opinion, being influenced less by money and maybe seeing the point of view opposite of theirs...I would write a blog on that, but I already got enough angry texts about my Facebook post about kneeling, see previous blog).

The only negatives were the audience questions of course (go figure people like to hear themselves talk about their opinion on things, just go write a me!) and it was far too short.  But I met him!  I did it!!!  I #foundbrokaw

And then I felt empty...immediately.  Guys and girls...I found Brokaw!  I met him!  Years in the making, done in 3 seconds.  What do I do now?  I messaged my mentor, brought up some other "big" USD names to find.  It was a no from her, they aren't as interesting, I agreed.  Then the idea came to Jeff Kleeman...literally...Jeff Kleeman.

Image may contain: 1 person, standing

No no no!!!  Not me!!!  Well...kinda not me!  I'm talking about Hollywood producer Jeff Kleeman.

Image result for jeff kleeman

Jeff Kleeman is a Hollywood producer/really nice guy.  The reason I know both facts?  I have the same name as him...clearly.  Also, I have received emails from prospective actors and hopeful producers and writers for years.  It was kind of cool.  A guy from South Dakota getting emails related to big old Hollywood!?  Amazing.  So amazing in fact, I let him know about it, and he was nice enough to write me back.

Then I thought about my own career, been thinking a lot about it lately actually (oh crap, I'm opening up my real thoughts!).  I'm really not sure what to think of it actually.  I went to school to be an anchor/reporter on television (a reason I look up to Tom Brokaw), I didn't go that route due to a few reasons (money/location/horrible job interviews, looking at you KMEG).  Found some odd jobs.  Found a calling as a college advisor for years (seriously), only to have that end when I was employed by my alma mater of the University of South Dakota...of all places.  It took until this year to truly enjoy a job again (thanks John!) and then leave that job to be offered one in insurance (thanks again John!).

Writing and creativity have always been my strong suits, hence this blog.  But I'd love to get paid for it.  Will I?  Probably not, but I've had an idea for a series the last few years, and this is where the Jeff Kleeman idea comes in.  Now click the following song (and replace movie with show) and enjoy.

Here is my pitch, which I've sent to him before, but now I'll do it again in blog form.  Also this time I worked with a co-writer, my cousin Brad Simons (stand up comedian and part time comedy writer/cousin).  So here it is, here's the pitch!!!

The Beaten Path (working title)

Premise: A man in the mid-west who is working as a hack writer suddenly starts getting emails meant for a struggling Hollywood producer who just happens to have his same name.  On a bet from a friend, he starts replying to the emails.  Each decision he makes happens to be successful, setting up the Hollywood producer to unforeseen heights, the only problem is he has a rival who is wondering why he is having this success and sets out to find the reason why.  Boom.  The pitch.

The Cast:

So to give this pitch some life, I need to cast people you can see as the characters, to give this life.

Jeff Kleeman (midwest)

Seann William Scott, and a few reasons why.  This dude is talented and hasn't been in anything good (besides Goon) in years.  Also, I used to be called Stiffler in college, due to us having the same jaw structure (maybe?)... at least I hope that's the reason (I've never done any of the embarrassing things he did in the American Pie movies...I swear).

He's a guy you can root for and could do really well in the me.

Image result for seann william scott

Jeff Kleeman (Hollywood)

For the role of producer I want someone not like the real life producer (he's nice!), I want someone who is both someone you can root for, but also someone who can play an ass who makes incredibly selfish decisions.  There is nobody more perfect for this than Jason Alexander.

This character is at the bottom of the barrel in Hollywood, then out of nowhere he starts to be successful and is struggling with why this is happening, but not telling anyone it's not him making these decisions.  He would be great.

Image result for jason alexander

Heather White (Hollywood producer foil of Jeff Kleeman/future love interest of midwest Jeff Kleeman)

Raechel Leigh Cook.  I want someone in their 30's who seemingly hasn't had plastic surgery.  Who is really pretty.  Also someone extremely talented who didn't get a shot after She's All That.  And she doesn't even have to wear glasses in this!

The character has to be kinda bitchy but with a redeeming quality, especially if she's the future love interest of one Jeff Kleeman.

Image result for rachael leigh cook

Brad Simons (friend of Jeff/instigator of this all happening)

Jon Gabrus from Comedy Bang! Bang!  He is an up and coming comedian and would be amazing in this.  His character would be engaged, so a character arc for everyone involved!

Image result for jon gabrus

Christy Abernathy (fiance of Brad)

Sasheer Zamata.  She was super underrated on Saturday Night Live and should be in something good post SNL.

Image result for sasheer zamata

Allyson Black (on-again/off-again girlfriend of midwest Jeff)

To round out the cast, my co-writer and I had one major disagreement.  Do we make the love interest the competing producer and have her be younger, then have Jeff's crappy girlfriend be some awful lady?  Or do we make the competing producer age appropriate, and have Jeff's crappy girlfriend be younger.

We went with the latter decision, and the best person for this, and my celeb crush (answer to my future blog for you loyal readers) is:

Image result for milana vayntrub

Milana Vayntrub.  You all know her from the AT&T commercials, but she's a legit funny person who was also in a few shows already (Silicon Valley, This Is Us).


So what do I hope to get out of this!?  At best?  I get a "story by" credit for me, Jeff Kleeman!  I'll sit comfortably in South Dakota and leave the show to you professionals.  I'll just give you the story ideas and watch the money pile in.  Then I can use all my monies for my daughter and to finally go to Wrestlemania.

At middle best (is that a word?).  Someone steals this idea and it gets produced, and I know it was my idea, so in a way...kinda cool to have an idea stolen that's on TV.  It wouldn't be the first time I've come up with something cool that someone has used, and hopefully it won't be the last.

At worst?  I wrote a fun blog about my TV show idea, tag Jeff Kleeman on Facebook to get his attention, and get some hits out of the deal (well I just did that, so sort of a win).

But how do you pass on this amazing idea?  I don't think you can Jeff're move!  I smell Emmy!

Image result for emmy

Goodbye #findbrokaw, you were great.  No hashtag needed on this new endeavor, I prefer pound signs anyway. 

Thanks for reading,

Jeff Kleeman - the mid-west one

PS Next weeks blog you may ask?  Oh just wait.  Because I don't have an idea for one.  Feel free to text me with any (the hall pass one I'll literally have to pass on, forever.  Recent events, and future events, and it's in bad celeb crush is Milana Vayntrub who you can see above... the AT&T girl, take that Margot Robbie).

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