The Kleeman Report

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Death Row Meal

Sitting at work today, my coworker made a joke about granola being his 17th favorite food.  Me, being quite quirky found that absolutely hilarious.  But it got me thinking, what are my 17 favorite foods?

Do I have 17 favorite foods?

I do!!!

So with my creative juices flowing I got to writing this down as soon as I could...when I got home.. right before we had dinner (supper to some of you).  So I was hungry (hangry to some of you).

Then my wife adds in, may as well say it's what you would eat for your last dinner.  So let's get this done.  In reverse order, my favorite foods.

17. Pinwheels

I was at a party once where I ate an entire row.  I'm not fat, but if I had stayed at this party, I think that would be a different story.

16. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

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I never said it had to be a meal.  It could be a snack, or a side, even a dessert.  Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are the best candy bar.  You can argue, it's fine.  I think you're wrong, it doesn't mean I'm right.

15. Soft pretzels with cheese

You know what I'm getting at a sporting event?  Soft pretzels.  I'm not gonna get a funnel cake (sorry John), or cotton candy (yuck).  I will get a beer, and what goes better with that than a salty pretzel with cheese!?

14. CT CRUUUUUUNCH (Cinnamon Toast Crunch)

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Best cereal.  Ever.  I don't even know what I would say is the 2nd best cereal.  That's the disparity for me.

13. Crab stuffed mushrooms

Dooooood.  You know how good mushrooms are on everything?  You know how good crab is?  Cream cheese!?   Well add all that together and you get this.  It's amazing.  This makes it over pinwheels due to some past experiences I'd rather not share.

12. Grilled pineapple

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If you read this blog regularly, you know I won a fantasy football tournament.  $100 a person, I won, I was broke.  I wanted to eat at this place called Brazilian Carnival.  They slice off meat in front of you, all kinds of meat.  But what did I like the most!?  The grilled freaking pineapple.  I gave the guy $5 to come back whenever I raised my hand.

11. Doritos (Nacho Cheese)

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The best chip ever (Harvest Cheddar Sun Chips is a close 2nd).  If all I had was these and a delicious Dr. Pepper, I would be in heaven...and in cardiac arrest.

10. Peanut Butter Sandwich

That simple bro.  You get some creamy (not chunky, I'm not a savage!) peanut butter.  Get some bread, spread that sumbitch on, and boom, delicious.  Is 10 too high!?  I say it's not high enough, but there's stuff...that's higher.

9. Oreos

I wish Oreos would stop being stupid.  Stay away from double stuffed.  Stay away from candy corn, or S'mores, or vanilla.  Just good old fashioned Oreos, with some milk.  Oreos has caused some of the rare arguments in my household.

8. Chicken sandwiches

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If I'm hungover there is only one thing I can stomach.  I love chicken sandwiches.  Just amazing.  Put some mayo on there.  Lettuce, tomato, cheese, no cheese, no tomato, no lettuce!?  Chicken on a freaking sandwich...amazing.

7. Sushi!

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I would like to thank my friend Amber.  I graduated from college and had never attempted sushi.  My friend Eric and I (hi Ras!) decided to go with.  We went to a sushi place in Sioux City, IA, not the first place you'd think to go...and I ordered a few rolls, not really understanding what I was doing, then it happened.  Love.  All sushi, hence why I didn't put a specific roll, because it's all amazing.  We even saw Tori Black once getting sushi...I swear!

6. Spaghetti

You're in college and you don't have that much money, but want to eat something delicious that has amazing reheat value?!  Spaghetti.  You have a date and want to look like you kinda know what you're doing (even though she knows it's just spaghetti?), make spaghetti.  You like to eat spaghetti and want to make spaghetti for yourself?  Spaghetti!  Bottom line, spaghetti.

5. Crab rangoons

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The last of the appetizers, but the best.  Crab rangoons could be used as currency.  Absolutely fantastic.

4. Steak - medium rare

I like steak.  I don't like steak well done.  I don't like it medium well, or even medium.  Hell I don't even mind it rare.  But I love me some medium rare steak.  Nothing on it, Ron Swanson style.  SO GOOD.

3. Cheeseburger

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Does this need explanation?  It's cheese, on beef.  On a bun.  With assorted toppings of your choice.

Pop quiz, which fast food chain has the best burger.  Okay it's In N' Out, but what local fast food chain has the best burger?  You says Culvers Wisconsin Cheddar Burger, and you just won yourself a be determined at a later date and time.

2. Stuffed Crust Pizza

I love PIZZA!!!!  P I Z Z A!!!!

Pizza of all kinds is amazing, but the best kind, has cheese in the crust.  Pizza Hut you are brilliant.  It actually sounds so good I would order one now if we hadn't just ate.

DRUM-ROLL PLEASE!?!?!  What is my favorite food!?  What would be my "last" meal!?

1. Breakfast Burritos

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I don't know when my love affair started happening with breakfast burritos.  But a few things on my love of this delicious food.

1. I make the best one.  It's one of the few foods I can make that are better than any restaurants, it's definitely better than anyone else's I've ever tried.

2. Ortega and sour cream, best combo since peanut butter and jelly.  Throw that on this, boom baby.

3. I once made a McGriddle style breakfast burrito.  Even at it's worst, it's one of the best things I've ever ate.

4. Best fast food breakfast burrito?  Taco John's.  Easily.  Sonic is up there, a place in Lincoln, NE has a chain called DeLeon's, that's good, hell if McDonald's brought back their massive burrito, even they would be on this list.  I know what I'm making this weekend.

Well that's it for this week!  Thanks for reading, sorry I've been gone, but it's been BUSY.  Figuring out my new job.  We're having a kid.  Speaking of which, look out for my blog Monday, as this Sunday we are having our reveal party.  What will it be!?!?!

Thanks for reading.

Jeff Kleeman

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