The Kleeman Report

Sunday, December 31, 2023

December Should Be Closed

The point of this blog is right there in the title ya'll.  I don't want to work in December.  I mean, I'm Jeff Kleeman, I rarely want to work as it is anyway amiright?!  But let's get with the times, let's have an 11 month year.  Let's use December to literally do nothing but sit on a couch and catch up on TV shows.  Or work out.  Or, I guess, hang out with our families.  

Seriously, we have so little time as adults, it's insane the shit we have to do in December....skip this part if you don't have kids...I'll tell you when to resume below.  

Theme weeks are in session and it's hard to keep it straight with one kid, let alone two.  Did you know jammie day was on Monday AND on Friday but at separate schools? Then it's silly hat day.  Then it's silly socks.  Then it's silly nervous breakdown day for the parents.  I'm tired just typing that.  Add in the fact I work Monday-Friday, then add in all the kids events.  And homework.  And repeat.  Then you get the weekend, but get this, YOU DO NOT GET THE WEEKEND!

This time of the year you gotta go shopping on the weekends.  Or meet Santa...sometimes more than once.  You gotta see family that can't make it for Christmas.  You have office parties.  Friends parties. a 49'ers fan this year it's insanely stressful, I'm glad I"m time stamping that thought on December 22nd, but having currently the best team gives me anxiety they might not win the whole thing.  And college football....I'm time stamping this as well on December 22nd, but Michigan is my team and they cheated to get where they are dammit and I need that win too!  (My condolences to my alma mater, the University of South Dakota, who got a game on national television and legit shit the damn bed, but they were #3!  What a football year for ME).

Anyway, back to non-football things.  Give us December off.  Give us the month, paid, to shop, do the kid stuff, the family stuff, all of the stuffs.  There's a few essential jobs that must be performed, so you docs, lawyers, police and retail people, you can figure something out for yourself, I got enough problems.  Speaking of which....

Let's get more phones.  I'm tired of my iPhone.  I want some options like we had back in the day.  Remember the Chocolate?  The RAZR?  The ENV3!?!?!  We literally have like 3 options for phones right now, I hate it.  It's time to update.  Bring me back to 2006...the fashion is already back to where it was, now bring me an updated version of the Nokia dammit.  

Speaking of chats need a leave chat feature.  I'm in about 8-9 different group won't stop.  I've legit thought of changing my number, or getting an additional line, just for people I want to hear from, that would save me a lot of annoyance.  But then someone would give that phone number out and I would be in 2 separate hells, 3 if you add in the 9ers anxiety, 4 if you add in how busy life is an adult.  

I also had a really fun observation about boomers that my wife told me to not write, it was too mean, it's Christmastime.  The premise essentially is how they talk down to people our age in their 30's and 40's, legit adults with jobs and kids, and act like the actual adults are still's maddening.  Also, if you want to play a fun game, go out to eat with a bunch of people over 50 and watch them try to split a bill...or figure out a tip (it's worst, for everyone, if they crush it tip more, simple).  

Anyway, it's not like they helped cause how horrible everything is now and don't know how to not share fake links on social media and....I better quit, my wife was right.

Sick days though!  So sick days are definitely an issue now, especially with kids.  It sucks because look, I get it...people go to work sick because they want to store up their PTO in case their kids are sick or they want to have a free, non-sick day.  It sucks.  Factor in that our kids are getting us sick from the daycare we send our kids to, but then they can't stick around at the daycare because they are sick and it's just a vicious cycle.  It's the worst.  What do I propose here?  Clearly for most they may not have a chance to work from home...I mean I do, but most don't. 

Those who can, should be able to stay home and those who don't, I am so sorry, um...what do you suggest?  A daycare that has single rooms...kinda like jail, but not, where your sick kid can go in that room.  And it's loaded with toys and a TV and a bed.  Okay it's a kid jail, let's work on a fun name for it though.  Time Out Time.  Not Home, But Alone.  It's a work in progress.

Thank you all for reading.  Have a happy New Year.  It'll be 2024 so it should be great up until about August.  


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